BYU Adds Five New Classes That Are Guaranteed To Get You Married

Are you frantically trying to put your schedule together for next semester? Are you frantically trying to get married? BYU can solve both of your biggest fears with the following five courses. Enjoy!

The Eternal Family

Learning outcomes include a guilty feeling for not already being married. While the professor is lecturing on the importance of the law of chastity, you can peruse the roll for the spouse of your dreams. The best part? You already have a form of contact they can’t ignore: Learning Suite.

Intro to Childbirth

This class does not require a spouse, however having one is preferred. Learning outcomes include knowledge of proper breathing techniques, basic prenatal care, and a thorough understanding of timing a baby to be born in between your first wedding anniversary and your graduation date.

Mission Prep

This new and improved version of Mission Prep has a new section that discusses preparation for life after your mission, including dating and marriage. This is the perfect time to find a girl that has just broken up with her boyfriend before she leaves for Mexico, and pounce on her while she is definitely still single. You can both wait, it’ll be great.

Accounting – Married with One Income Section

This class will prepare you to face the extreme emotional stress that you will experience as a single-income family. This is the perfect time to demonstrate your skills to the class and let them know you can bring in the bacon without breaking a sweat. Nothing says marry me like emotional stability.

PHSCS 451 – Quantum Mechanics

Surprised? So is everyone else! You’ll just have to take the class and see what happens.

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