President Worthen Accidentally Deletes Entire Honor Code

Students and national news sources alike were confused when visiting BYU’s University Communications website on Wednesday. From approximately 10:05 to 12:12, the Honor Code in its entirety was deleted. 

The confusion was furthered when a school-wide email was sent out following the accident. The email stated that there would be a meeting at President Worthen’s personal home and that every BYU student was required to attend. 

According to the email, the meeting would discuss clarification of the deletion. The email also promised direct answers to age-old gospel doctrine questions, with specific reference to the reasoning behind why coffee is not allowed, but caffienated soda is.

Shortly after the email was sent, the Honor Code was back on the website, and information about the cancellation of the meeting was sent to The Daily Universe. The reasoning behind this was unclear, as the Daily Universe does not have very many followers on Instagram or Twitter and nobody reads that newspaper anyway.

“What happened was this: President Worthen was walking to his computer and he tripped and fell. His hands hit the keyboard and he simultaneously deleted the honor code and typed out the email and sent it to the whole school. It isn’t that complicated. It could happen to anyone. This definitely doesn’t reflect poorly on our administration at all,” said Bryan Johnson, a spokesperson for President Worthen.

The Honor Code is currently back up on the website, but there is no telling what will get deleted next and if it will ever be clarified. 
When asked to comment President Worthen said only this. 

“The changes before the deletion still apply. Have fun kids. But not too much fun. But still have fun. Just not too much. But remember to have fun.”