Local Youth Pieces Life Back Together After Returning Home Early From Youth Conference

On July 16, 2021, 15 year old Hyrum Kimball walked through his front door and was greeted by looks of panic from his younger siblings. He had just arrived home from Youth Conference– a day early.

When Hyrum first told his parents he wanted to go home, they expressed their desire that he stay and fulfill his obligation to the Lord. After receiving a second and third call from their son, they went to pick him up. His mother said, “of course we were disappointed that he didn’t stay. But mostly we were afraid that he had wandered off the straight and narrow path.” His father elaborated, “The straight and narrow path is wearing a white shirt to church, having a crew cut, serving a 2 year mission when you are 18, getting married in the temple when you are 21, and of course, faithfully attending every stake activity.”

Hyrum’s family weren’t the only people who were concerned to see him home early. His bishop, Bishop Smith, drove to his house that day to interview Hyrum and make a repentance plan. Hyrum’s friend’s mom, Sister Daniels, asked if he was going to go back out and finish his Youth Conference. She wondered if his early return had anything to do with Lizzy Brownstein, his COW from EFY the summer before. Brother Cane, a ward member with no relation to Hyrum whatsoever, said, “kids these days are coming home from Youth Conference right and left, talking about mental health and personal revelation. Back in my day, we didn’t have mental health or personal revelation, we just did what we were supposed to do.”

More than two months later, Hyrum is still feeling the consequences of his decision to come home early. “Girls won’t dance with me at stake dances. I guess their young women’s leaders tell them to dance with boys who went to Youth Conference.” He also said, “I sometimes feel weird about wearing my Youth Conference T-shirt in public. Like I’m a poser or something.” But he did express hope. “I feel good about my two days. I know that my sacrifice is acceptable to the Lord.”