Church Announces Candy Corn Will Replace Sacrament Bread

Eyeing the messy pile of orange, yellow, and white candy corn on the sacrament trays, the 46th Heber Utah family ward couldn’t hide their dread, even among the most pious in the ranks.

This was the first Sunday in the ward after the church made the announcement of the temporary change in sacrament policy. The change came as the church announced that it would be helping local businesses across the country by taking their leftover inventory of candy corn (which was considerable).

“This is only the first week, but I don’t know how much longer we can last”, said Ashley, a member of the ward. “I hope the blessing worked, because the body of Christ tasted expired today.”

We asked the bishopric to see the storage room that housed the candy corn, but they declined with embarrassment. “We’d love to, but the door can’t open. It opens into the room, and well, the corn blocks it. Truth be told, I’m not sure how we’re going to get it out next week” said the Bishop of the ward, Bishop Skimmer, as he chuckled nervously.

Rumor has it the water will soon be replaced with apple cider or Cactus Cooler.

This story will be updated as more information is released and the team responsible for this story recovers from the food poisoning.