BYU “Turkey Breakers” use Thanksgiving Holiday as Their Own Spring Break

Although BYU student’s famously do not get a spring break, but rather a single day, some students have adapted by using the extra days they receive around the November holiday to take part in traditional spring break pastimes of fleeing to warmer climates, partying, and just enjoying being college students. 

BYU Sophomores Jayk Johnson and Evelinn Romney are two of those proclaimed “Turkey Breakers,” who sat down with an Alternate Universe reporter partway through their holiday to the warmer climate of Sand Hallow, UT.

Johnson said, “Even though we don’t get spring break, BYU students still like to party,” and described their debauchery-filled weekend, “Let’s just say, things got pretty crazy after Mike pulled out Cards Against Humanity.”

He added that while he did believe that students would benefit from a full spring break, he also wouldn’t give up Thanksgiving partying even if they had it saying, “I’m a Turkey Breaker for life.”

Romney disagreed, “Honestly one week of going that crazy per year is enough for me.”

While on their crazy, once-in-a-lifetime holiday, the boys and girls on the trip reportedly stayed at two different Airbnbs, and the entire group is planning on getting back to Provo early enough on Saturday to be well-rested in time for nine a.m. church the next day.