Student Cured of Clinical Depression After Seeing Funny Minion Meme on Facebook

Minion memes are finally getting the respect they deserve.

Steven Carroll was casually scrolling through Facebook one day, as all typical 23-year-old single white males do, when he stumbled upon his mom’s Facebook post. Little did he know, his life would be changed forever.

“When I saw it, I almost went into cardiac arrest” Steven Carroll recounted. “You can ask my roommates, they legit thought I died. This meme was without a doubt the funniest thing I’ve ever seen and I was there for the premiere of Spy Kids 4-D.”

The meme in question? Your typical boomer Minion Meme.

“Yuck! I just stepped in a big pile of Monday!” These Shakespearean words were the caption of this life-changing meme. It’s clear to see why Carroll laughed so hard.

“One of the reasons it was so funny was because I saw it on a Monday. What are the odds of that?” Carroll told the Alternate Universe.

Carroll, whose humor has been in question by friends and family for years, happened to be seeing a therapist recently for depression. His therapist, F. B. Skinner was able to see noticeable changes directly after seeing the meme.

“He came into my office with a different glow about him,” Skinner said. “He was cheerful, motivated, and would not stop talking about that stupid…I mean….interesting meme he saw.”

After a few further sessions, Carroll has been self-declared “cured” from his depression. He is now on a mission to share how he beat depression to thousands who are struggling like he once did.

Carroll’s story is a beautiful example of the power of Facebook. The genius of Mark “Definitely-a-Human” Zuckerberg is shown through stories like these. Just as designed, Facebook memes are inspiring important changes in the life of its users. I think we all can take a page from boomers on Facebook in regards to depression and just “stop being sad”.