Now that's what I call tunnel singing

BYU Releases ‘Now That’s What I Call Tunnel Singing’ Commemorative CD for Quick Cash Grab

Over the past couple of months, it has been rumored that BYU officials are desperately searching for a new source of funding. With recent renovations to the BYU store and Cougareat, some have speculated that tuition prices might rise once again. However, since low tuition costs are the only way BYU can justify the high school-like interiors of half of its buildings, this rumor seems unlikely.

 Fortunately, it seems that the BYU administration has found a solution to its financial problems—a novelty Christmas CD. Made to appeal to the typical tunnel singing attendees (especially righteous students, alumni who just can’t let college go, and cult enthusiasts), this CD will contain the following tracklist:

  1. Follow the Prophet, but it sounds like everyone just joined a very enthusiastic cult
  2. How Great Thou Art, but whoever is next to you won’t stop talking to their friend
  3. Intermission of people announcing their mission calls and stifled cheering
  4. Called To Serve, but it sounds like everyone just joined a very enthusiastic cult
  5. I Need Thee Every Hour
  6. I Need Thee Every Hour, but hummed
  7. I Need Thee Every Hour, but sung a little too soulfully to be enjoyable
  8. The sounds of about a hundred people feeling the need to pray kneeling down in a tunnel outside

The CD received a 5/5 stars from Deseret News, 4/5 from the Daily Herald, and a 0.5/5 from the Salt Lake Tribune, all prior to release.