SpaceX Astronauts Really Hoping for Clear Weather so They Can Get Off the Planet before Anything Else Horrible Happens

After a failed launch on Wednesday afternoon due to unfavorable weather, astronauts Robert Behnken and Douglas Hurley are eager to get to the International Space Station as quickly as possible.

“We were just devastated about the weather. You know, we’ll be spending significant time up there away from our friends and family. It’s a big commitment, not to mention all the important ways we’ll advance science,” Said Behnken on Wednesday afternoon after the aborted launch.

But then the news about George Floyd broke, and protests started.

We got to catch up with them again this morning:

“Yeah, this is pretty ridiculous. This whole year has been an absolute nightmare. I mean we’ve had Australian fires, WWIII almost started, a president was impeached, Kobe Bryant died, Coronavirus, the economy tanked, Hong Kong lost their independence, two nationally infamous and unjustified killings of African Americans perpetrated in as many months, and to top it all off, both US presidential candidates this Fall have been accused of sexual assault–one of them openly flaunts it.

“I think it’s safe to say that it’s time to get the [heck] out of dodge,” Behnken told us (censored for a BYU audience).

Hurley added, “I think God’s trying to kill off the human race this year or something. Have you ever seen Interstellar, it’s like that. The Earth is dying, and it’s telling us to leave. Hopefully the weather is clear today so we can get out of here before leaving’s no longer possible.”

Harrowing words from international heroes. We hope the launch proceeds as expected today as well. But who knows, maybe a freak meteor shower, the dissolution of the Earth’s magnetic field, the return of Godzilla, or some other unprecedented calamity will prevent it.