WAP Clean Version

Local Stake Dance DJ Makes “Clean” Version of Cardi B’s WAP That is 41 Seconds Long

Terrance Drake grew up in Sandy, Utah. In his youth, he wanted to be a famous DJ. Unfortunately, life had different plans; so, Terrance lives his dream vicariously by being a DJ for local stake and ward dances.

“It’s really fun,” said Terrance in a 2019 interview, “I pride myself on my ability to bring today’s best songs to our youth appropriately.”

Terrance is known to be rather heavy-handed in how he censors songs he deems inappropriate. “I want our youth to be able to experience current musical trends and express themselves, but I recognize that a lot of popular music today is a bit… too much.”

2020 has been a rough year for Terrance; due to COVID-19, stake dances have been heavily curtailed. Lately, he has made do with smaller less-official events for the youth he serves. He hoped with the release of popular artist Cardi B’s new song WAP, that he might generate more interest in his events. Unfortunately, this was not the case. Terrance ran into a snag when listening to the song and preparing it for the youth.

“It’s just so… inappropriate”, Terrence said exasperated. “I don’t understand how this is so popular.”

Terrance’s version of the song takes it from 3:07 to 0:41. “Normally, I pride myself on my ability to change the content of a song without removing the themes and message the song is trying to communicate. But in this case, I made an exception. All those changes are necessary. Our youth should not be exposed to this level of vulgarity.”

Terrance posted his event on Instagram heavily emphasizing that WAP would be apart of it. His event was attended by a small crowd of teenagers enthusiastic to hear the new song. However, when asked after the fact, none of them knew that the song was played. “I do remember hearing Cardi B’s voice,” said one dancer, “but it was muffled, and the song didn’t make much sense.”

“I am proud of my ability to protect our youth from vulgarity,” said Terrance after his dance, “thanks to me, none of those kids are going to ever want to listen to the song because the version they heard is awful.”