BYU Golf Team, Devastated by Governor Herbert Cancelling Their Season, Crowd into Rockwell to “Drown Sorrows in Ice Cream”

Following Governor Herbert’s State of Emergency announcement, the BYU golf team was forced to suspend practices, and cancel all future meets. 

Bret Emerson, a member of the team, said the announcement caught him and his teammates off guard. “Just a few weeks ago, we’re all having a great time at a Halloween party, and suddenly there’s a state of emergency?” 

Emerson said he’s “not one to believe in conspiracies” but says the timing is “suspicious” and adds that, “It seems a little odd that football gets to continue, but we get shut down just when I figure out the difference between a wedge and a driver.” 

Teammate Joe Cannon said that regardless of conspiracy, the whole team was “pretty shook up” after they saw the announcement. After receiving a text from their coach confirming the cancellation, Cannon said the team was looking for any kind of pick-me-up. 

Cannon said, “It’s not a ‘casual social gathering’ if we all had the same idea to get ice cream somewhere, and all went alone.”

He continued that it was “a little annoying” how long the wait was at Rockwell. “It was super packed, I think the swim team might have been there too.” 

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