Most Romantic Days to Get Married

Your wedding day is a beautiful time where you have the wonderful privilege of spending all day talking to complete strangers who haven’t seen you since you were in diapers. You get to see all of your friends eat the food you paid for. Best of all, you get to hear Uncle Harold’s dementia-induced story about his life-threatening toe fungus for the fourth time. You can almost smell the romance in the air.

But what’s the only thing that will make your special day even more special? Getting married on a holiday! It will add a deeper and more symbolic meaning to your eternal commitment to the love of your life. Here is our list of the Top 5 Holidays to get married on:

#5 Flag Day (June 14th)

Does anyone even know what Flag Day is for? You can give Flag Day a greater meaning by getting on married on the exact same day. Consider wearing an American Flag dress. Conversely, consider ‘Kaepernicking’ during the ring ceremony. Wherever you reside on the political spectrum, you have the freedom of making Flag Day your own because literally no one cares about it. 

#4 Veteran’s Day (November 11th)

Nothing says romance like supporting our troops. On the day where millions of Americans pay their respects to the brave souls who risked their lives for freedom, you can also pay your respects to past significant others who fell before you. The fallen soldiers who tried, and subsequently failed, to marry your spouse can simultaneously be honored at your wedding. Maybe even consider adding a memorial to the fallen?

#3 Labor Day (First Monday in September)

In a symbolic gesture of the immense work ahead of you for choosing to get married, Labor Day is a fantastic day to get married on. Additionally, instead of celebrating your marriage on the same day every year, you can instead switch it up and celebrate it on the first Monday of September. It will add some much-needed spice into your life after the first few years of marriage. 

#2 Day of the Dead (November 1st)

In another symbolic gesture, getting married on the Day of the Dead will show your other white friends just how ethnic you truly are. Don’t forget to use your high-school level Spanish to thank people for coming to the wedding as well. Best of all, it can symbolize how much time you will actually spend with your other friends once you get married.

#1 National Best Friend’s Day (June 8th)

As all marriage should be, this day can symbolize finally making an eternal commitment to your best friend in the bonds of holy matrimony. You get to share the rest of your life with your best friend…

JUST KIDDING! Get married on this day just to flex on your single best friends. You are destroying them in the Game of Life and they deserve to know it!