President Nelson Reminds All ‘Able-Bodied Young Men’ That They Must go on Missions…Except those named Chad

President Nelson started off the 192nd Annual General Conference with another transformative piece of revelation.

As the prophet himself put it, “I remind all young men have they have the great privilege and responsibility to go a mission to serve the Lord. All young men must go…except those who are unfortunate enough to be ‘Chad’. ‘Chads’ will unfortunately never be worthy enough to serve a mission.”

Once President Nelson clarified this piece of doctrine, the entire conference center erupted into applause and cheer. Reports state that even some apostles hugged each other and started high-fiving in the background. As if angels came down from heaven, even the Tabernacle Choir started impromptu singing, “We Thank Thee O God For a Prophet.”

Even though almost every member of the church accepted this news with great excitement, there were a select few who were hesitant to accept this news. For example, Elder Chad Vivent a missionary currently serving in the Maryland Baltimore Mission, recently shared his concern on his Facebook Page.

“Well…what the fetch do I do now? I guess I could always go back to summer sales…Any of my converts need some Solar?”

Instead of just complaining on Facebook after this announcement, a brave few have taken immediate action to follow the prophet. Since President Nelson’s announcement, the state of Utah has already received 100,000 requests to officially change their legal first names. Reports say that most of these requests have come from the Draper and Alpine areas.