LDS Tools Reveals New $8 Verification Subscription Service

Following in fellow billionaire Elon Musk’s footsteps, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints decided to implement their own spin on Twitter’s new verification service: subscription-based verification on the popular app, LDS Tools.

$8/month provides members with services such as filters and airbrushing options on their photos, date discounts every time a number is copied and texted from the app, and of course a verified check mark.

Jaxxon Young, a member of Provo’s 3128th ward, is excited about the new features.

“Maybe Brynlee will finally see what an important and smart guy I am,” he reports. “She might have blocked me everywhere else, but now she can’t block me on LDS tools, thanks to the verification service. I can’t wait to tell our future kids about how our marriage started with a mere $8.”

Tyler Wilks, another subscriber of the service, tells us his experience with it.

“After purchasing the $8 verification I was immediately released from my calling as financial clerk. Not sure why, they probably want me to be something super important since I’m verified now, like Elder’s Quorum President.”

The new subscription service can be purchased for $8 a month through the tithing donation portal.