Bishop Condemns Member For Inactivity, But Member Was Attending Missionary Farewells

This past Sunday was a day of reckoning for Lynnzeigh Bunderson. After returning home from her 3rd missionary farewell of the day, she received a knock on the door from her bishop. Her bishop asked if she was available to speak right then, and Lynnzeigh confirmed. It was then that the bishop spoke his words: “Your chronic inactivity is inexcusable and must be repented of immediately.”

Bishope Jaughnsyn further explained that since he hadn’t seen Lynnzeigh for the past month, he had concluded that she had become chronically inactive and would be revoking her temple recommend. Additionally, he would report her to the Honor Code Office for her misconduct. “Inactivity is unacceptable in the Provo YSA 798th ward and it will be punished. Kids these days think they can get away with anything! Next stop: the BYU Honor Code Office.”

Lynnzeigh was horrified, and tried to speak her case: “I’ve gone to 12 missionary farewells in the past month! I could be described as superactive.” Unfortunately, Bishop Jaughnsyn had no care for her words.

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