A Look Inside the Newest Version of Preach My Gospel

One new lesson and four new chapters have been added to the latest edition of Preach My Gospel.


Lesson  6: Deep Doctrine

If they are going to hear about it at some point, it’s better they hear it from you. Material to cover in this lesson includes Kolob, seer stones, how to tell the difference between a good angel and a bad angel with a handshake, and the entire journal of discourses.

Chapter 14: How Do I Effectively Flirt to Convert?

Also called the Word of Rizzdom, this new chapter offers inspired strategies for using what God gave you to bring more sheep into the fold.

Chapter 15: How Do I Win a Bible Bash?

This new section equips stateside missionaries with lawyer-approved strategies for softening the hearts of 70 year-old baptist ministers with the powers of reason and logic.

Chapter 16: How Do I Share the Gospel Through Technology?

This chapter instructs missionaries on how to effectively use Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Tumblr, Myspace, Ask.fm, Omegle, Letterboxd, Reddit, Discord, Quora, Yahoo! Answers, and the dark web to share the gospel and find new people to teach.

Chapter 17: How Do I Bear Being Better than Everyone Else? (APs Only)

Exclusively for APs, the final chapter of the revised PMG advises assistants on how to deal with the burden of babysitting a whole mission of morally inferior betas and incels.