Exposed: Barefoot Cosmo’s OnlyFans income has been subsidizing your tuition for years

A new ethical debate is sweeping across campus this week after leaked financial documents confirm that the Barefoot Cosmo statue in the Wilkinson Center has been subsidizing BYU students’ tuition via online sex work.

According to the documents, the statue brings in over $85,000 a month through an OnlyFans account set up in its name. The account features mainly photos of the statue’s human feet, though other “erotic” shots are included as well. The account has been active since 2016.

Many students have been upset to learn that the tithing dollars that they believed were subsidizing their education were actually prostitution dollars accrued by an inanimate object.

“I’d rather pay double for school than take money from that smutty cat,” said freshman Sameigh Young from Heber.

Other students say they are not surprised. From their perspective, there was no other reason the University would choose to keep such a sultry statue in a location with some of the highest freshman foot traffic on campus.

“I saw this coming. This is why I don’t feel bad about breaking the honor code. My tuition is being paid by cougar’s foot, not the widow’s mite,” says senior Duke E. from Idaho.

“I get it. They want to keep a BYU education as accessible as possible. My wallet and I see nothing wrong with that,” commented Cheyenne Fisher, a senior from Idaho studying ethics.

“The way I see it, we’ve always been encouraged to use technology to further the work,” said Steve Hafen, BYU’s Chief financial officer.

Will the publication of this information cause tuition prices to rise in coming years? Will Barefoot Cosmo ever put those dogs away? Perhaps only time will tell.