Cosmo Cougar Gets Brazilian Butt Lift

BYU’s beloved mascot, Cosmo, has gotten a little cheekier. 

The acrobatic cat recently underwent a procedure to add some extra size to his hindquarters and has become, for lack of a better term, “dummy thicc.”

While rumors about the change spread at first, Cosmo’s most recent public appearance put those myths to rest. 

When asked about the new changes, students have reacted differently.

Freshman Jaykob Allen mistakenly believed that he could get a sweet treat in the Wilkinson center, but misconstrued a warning entirely.

“When they told me that Cosmo was serving cake in the Wilk, I genuinely believed it. I was totally taken by surprise when I found out that there was a whole different kind of cake on display.”

Another source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said, 

“Lowkey…he’s kind of a baddie tho…”

Other students have commented on the impossible standard that Cosmo’s alterations now set for the student body, saying, 

“Cosmo was already setting such a high standard of beauty, grace, and athleticism. To know that even he felt the pressure to change his body to fit the demands of popular pressure really kills my whole vibe, fr,” says Kaeighleighy Olsen.

Although Cosmo has undergone some changes, the question still remains: is he really still the same mascot deep down? Or was this latest move from the curvaceous cougar used to distract us from something bigger?