C. Shane Reese Quotes Kendrick Lamar to First-Gen Graduates

Friday evening, BYU President C. Shane Reese quoted Kendrick Lamar at a dinner for first generation graduates. “To quote one of the greatest lyricists of all time, Kendrick Lamar, ‘Be humble,’” said Reese. Reese, himself a first-generation college graduate, then used Lamar’s “HUMBLE.” to illustrate the principle of humility.

This is within the range of normal behavior for the university president. Reese is famously engaged with the student body, appearing in the ROC and in the Wilk’s dining area frequently. Over a decade younger than his predecessor, former BYU President Kevin Worthen, Reese can frequently be seen chatting with students on campus.

Reese’s emphasis on engaging with students is also apparent in the initiatives he has spearheaded thus far. Programs emphasizing inclusion, first year experiences, and first generation students have already been powered up and given more airtime. So far, the youthful statistician is leaving his mark.

No matter how high he flies, the Alternate Universe hopes that he will follow Kendrick Lamar’s advice to “Be humble.”

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