Spirit of Alex Trebek Spotted Waiting for Ken Jennings in Seattle Temple Baptistry

Brother Lee was mopping the floor of the Seattle Temple baptistry when he saw a glowing silhouette stir near the font. The spirit of beloved Jeopardy host Alex Trebek was allegedly waiting in the temple, eager for a certain Church member to come do his ordinance work.

“I was just fulfilling my weekly temple duties when Trebek appeared out of nowhere.” Says Lee, “He looked me directly in the eye, said ‘the highest-earning U.S. game show contestant of all time’, pointed at the font, and then disappeared. Only when I got home did I realize the answer was ‘who is Ken Jennings’.”

When Brother Lee moved on to vacuum the confirmation room he found the words ‘Daily Double’ written on the wall.

“The daily double. Like, he wants both baptism AND confirmation. You need both, you know?”

Although the temple is currently only being used to perform ordinances for the living, Brother Lee hopes they can resume ancestry work soon, and that Ken Jennings can stop by to fulfill Trebek’s wishes. When asked about the experience, sources confirm that Jennings “thought Trebek had been a member for several decades already, and most recently was serving as a stake president.”

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