Newly Discovered Joseph Smith Prophecy Accurately Predicts Entire MCU

In Doctrine and Covenants section 87, Joseph Smith accurately predicted the coming Civil War, 30 years before it began. This was not enough to convince his doubters of his prophetic calling. Well, let’s see them try to explain this.

While demolishing the HFAC, construction worker Tim Devon discovered a box underneath a granite slab. In the box was discovered a 50 page prophecy, accurately and exactly predicting the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The MCU, led by Kevin Feige, wouldn’t be started until 2008, more than 160 years after Smith’s death.

The prophecy has since been acquired by the Church, formatted, and added to the Standard Works as Doctrine and Covenants section 139. Below are some of the more prophetic parts of the new scripture:

D&C 139:12-13 “For behold, thus saith the Lord, the great and mighty ones shall unite from all four corners of the earth, to go up to war against Thanos and take back the Infinity Stones. But behold, as Thor does not go for the head, the great and mighty ones fail, and Thanos’s wrath sets up for the sequel.”

D&C 139: 47 “And behold, the Guardians of the Galaxy was very humorous and original, and brought about much rejoicing; but behold, Eternals was very mid, and did bring about much sorrow amongst the children of men.”

D&C 139: 63-65 “For I am not a racist, nor harbor I racist tendencies of any kind and form. But behold, I the Lord just didn’t like Black Panther as much as other people did. It was good and all, but a Best Picture nomination? Behold, it’s kind of cringe.”

D&C 139: 85-87 “And the angel of the Lord said ‘Look!’, and I looked. And behold, the sons and daughters of the Earth yearned for the three great ones, that they might be together and be as one. And the Lord heard their cries, and gave them Spiderman: No Way Home, and it was good, and eternity shook.”

Fredrick McDorkindale, Americana professor at Stanford and famed anti-Mormon author, dismissed the prophecy. “This is just a coincidence. Anybody in the 1840s could have guessed every single aspect of a decades long cinematic universe.”