Man claims to have received calling as General Conference ‘rumor extinguisher’

In preparation for the anticipated general conference weekend for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, members around the world have shared their predictions and the rumors they’ve heard concerning what might be revealed in a few short days. These predictions resulted in many different blogs, YouTube channels, and Twitter accounts dedicated to convincing others of their beliefs in the rumors.

However, the majority of these media sites had been reported to the admin by Sam Dean, a resident of Provo who claimed that he had been called by his stake president as a “rumor extinguisher” for the October general conference.

“People don’t realize that discussing fabricated ideas about the Church is a sin,” said Dean. “The scriptures say that only the prophet can receive revelation for the Church, so why would members be pretending that they know all the answers and they can foresee what will happen during general conference? It’s truly an act of the devil.”

Dean had commented hundreds of reprimands and corrections on the different media platforms, calling people out for their sins and reminding them that using sparkling cider in the sacrament, creating new outfits for the “TabCATS,” and allowing missionaries to date while serving is absolutely ridiculous.

“If you, or someone you love, has engaged in speculation activity,” Dean began, “please, I invite you to repent. Once you have repented, you will then be prepared to hear the word of the prophet in general conference.”