BYU Animation Students Create LDS Version of Minecraft: Prepare for Godhood by Creating Your Own Planet

A team of students from BYU’s Center for Animation recently made history with a new LDS video game titled “Koloboration”. The game offers world-building controls akin to the popular adventure game, Minecraft. But under the scope of eternal salvation, of course. 

This makes Koloboration the first established video game intended for LDS gamers. Since the release one month ago, it has received critical acclaim from gamers and mothers alike for sharpening celestial strategy skills.

“Finally a clean video game without violence or sexy characters,” said Provo PTA member, Sharron Rigby. “I’m confident my son is priesthood powering-up to a larger testimony.” 

“My eastern hemisphere is coming along quite nicely,” eighth-grader Mason Rigby additionally commented. “I just polished up Mount Doom for my Mordor development. No girls allowed.”

This BYU Animation project transpired over the course of five years and thirty students- who now await finalist updates for the 2020 University Game Showcase. Until then, the dedicated animators are pleased to hear the game’s positive reception.

If interested, you can buy Koloboration online or at your local video game shop: $19.99 for members, $21.99 for non-members.