LDS Church Releases New AI Tool ‘ChatCTR’

Imagine a world where devotionals are unoriginal, lacking in the Spirit. Where prayers are no longer inspired, they are generated. Where Sunday School lessons and sacrament meeting talks no longer have to be written by a human. We are now living in this world, thanks to the newest AI development: ChatCTR.

While sacrament meeting talks used to be an agonizing slog of preparation, with ChatCTR, this is no longer the case. Sister Smythe of the Bountiful 438th ward used ChatCTR to write her talk for last Sunday, with excellent results. She explains,

“Yes, all I contributed to this talk was the prompt ‘write a 15-minute long speech on gratitud,’, but members of the congregation told me they felt the Spirit.”

Members like Sister Smythe are using ChatCTR to invest less time in the Church, but some members are going a different direction, using ChatCTR to strengthen their faith and grow their knowledge. Bishop Mckeigh stated, “I like to think of ChatCTR as the new Seer Stone. Yesterday I was able to read a new section of the Doctrine and Covenants.”

Despite the many advantages of ChatCTR, seminary teachers and church leaders are cringing at the lack of mental effort needed to participate in the church. How is one expected to grow their testimony when an AI will fake it for you?

Desperate for an answer, seminary teachers have turned to looking for visible signs of feeling the Spirit in order to make sure their students are really participating. This emotionally invasive practice has in turn caused more controversy.

General Authorities of the Church have yet to comment on this topic.