Heartbreaking: Student Left Crestfallen After Being Ghosted on Canvas Discussion Board

Under normal circumstances, Valentine’s Day is an occasion to celebrate the beauty of romance in all its forms. But after a recent and devastating development, normal circumstances are in short supply.

It appears that hopeless romantic Bryson Dyson will once again be spending Valentine’s Day alone after being ghosted by the woman of his dreams on a discussion board for their online freshman writing class.

“She had already responded to two other posts I’d made on the class Canvas page, so I just figured we were exclusive,” said Dyson, a professional Heritage Halls resident. “All I asked was if she wanted to hold hands while studying in the library.”

Despite the fact that this scenario would be extremely uncomfortable for everyone involved, we were truly hoping that Dyson could pull it off. The rest of the class has spent the last two weeks anxiously waiting to see if the elusive Carolyne Young would reply in time for the big day.

“I was really rooting for Bryson on this one. I make students reply to two posts every week for this exact reason,” said Professor “Cupid” Hartford. “I missed the Super Bowl because I was busy refreshing the discussion board page over and over.”

Young declined to comment when questioned about the incident.

“Sorry, which class was this?” said Young, who is already married anyway.